Maximizing Energy Efficiency with Your HVAC System in Florida

The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is the biggest energy consumer in a typical Florida home, accounting for more than 40% of its energy consumption and utility bill. Factors such as insulation levels, system efficiency, household shade, the quality and sealing of windows and doors, the integrity of the duct system, and how it is used all affect the energy consumption of your air conditioning system. Nearly half of the energy used in your home goes to heating and cooling, so making smart choices about your HVAC system can have a big impact on your utility bills and comfort. To maximize the efficiency of your heating and cooling system, focus on reducing heat build-up through the building envelope, improving the performance of the HVAC system, and selecting higher-efficient HVAC equipment when replacing it. The Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA) partnered with Iowa gas and electric companies to establish the Iowa HVAC Systems Verified Efficiency and Adjustment Program (HVAC SAVE), expand it, and improve the performance and energy efficiency of HVAC systems, while helping local contracting companies to grow and gain consumer trust. The ENERGY STAR Verified HVAC Installation Program (ESVI) provides utilities with a platform to expand their residential energy efficiency programs beyond offering rebates and incentives for HVAC equipment.

If your HVAC equipment is more than 10 years old or doesn't make your home comfortable, it is recommended to ask a professional HVAC contractor to evaluate it.

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