Become an HVAC Technician in Florida: A Guide to Qualification

Are you looking to become an HVAC technician in Florida? If you don't have a high school diploma, don't worry! Florida Career College offers a program that allows students to earn their high school diploma and get certified in HVAC in as little as ten months. This program provides the necessary training to become an HVAC technician and handle any heating, ventilation, or air conditioning and cooling needs. In order to work as an HVAC contractor in Florida, you must obtain a license from the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. The license you need depends on the size of the system you will be working on.

A Class A license allows you to work on systems of any size, while a Class B license only allows you to work on systems with up to 25 tons of cooling and 500,000 BTUs of heating. If you plan to start your own HVAC business, you will need to obtain an HVAC license. Florida Career College's HVAC technician program includes courses on refrigeration, electrical, problem solving, heating, commercial refrigeration, duct design, air conditioning, and specialized equipment. Upon completion of the program, students will have the knowledge and practical experience needed to obtain the license and certification required to work in an entry-level position in Florida or Texas.

If you're interested in becoming an HVAC technician, consider enrolling in Florida Career College's HVAC training program. This program is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to become a qualified HVAC technician in Florida. The courses cover topics such as refrigeration, electrical systems, problem solving, heating systems, commercial refrigeration, duct design, air conditioning systems, and specialized equipment. Upon completion of the program, students will have the knowledge and practical experience needed to obtain the license and certification required to work in an entry-level position in Florida or Texas. The process of becoming an HVAC technician in Florida is not difficult but it does require dedication and hard work.

With the right training and certification from Florida Career College's HVAC technician program, you can become a qualified HVAC technician in no time!.

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