What Certifications Does an HVAC Maintenance Technician Need in Florida?

Are you considering a career as an HVAC maintenance technician in Florida? If so, you'll need to understand the certifications and licenses required to work in this field. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires technicians to obtain their Section 608 certification in order to work on the refrigeration part of HVAC equipment. This certification is even necessary to simply connect the meters to the air conditioning systems. Virtually all Florida contractors need to obtain a license from the Construction Industry Licensing Board, including HVAC contractors.

The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulations issues HVAC licenses. It might be worth considering the advantages of industrial certifications, as HVAC workers are only required to comply with EPA and state or local licensing guidelines, but it's not uncommon for them to obtain industrial HVAC certifications such as NATE. On average, HVAC contractors in Florida tend to see a 22% wage increase after gaining three years of experience. If you're interested in HVAC training but don't know what career path would be right for you, you can call the professional representatives at the Tulsa Welding School campus in Jacksonville, Florida for help at 1-855-806-4921. Contractors who want to obtain an HVAC license or contract a licensed HVAC license must have the insurance required for Florida general contractors, including liability and property damage insurance and workers' compensation insurance if they employ other people. Yes, you will need an air conditioning contractor license if you want to work as an HVAC contractor in Florida.

In addition to complying with state or local licensing laws, HVAC technicians can obtain HVAC certifications. The previous programs received accreditation from HVAC Excellence or Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation, which are the two main agencies responsible for evaluating Florida's HVAC programs. HVAC certification shows that you are educated and trained in how to do high-quality HVAC work, increasing the chances of being hired. Obtaining certifications such as Section 608 certification from the EPA and a license from the Construction Industry Licensing Board is essential for any aspiring HVAC technician in Florida.

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